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Aqua Fitness

Aqua classes

Intensity Level 1

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What is it?

Our water-based exercise classes help to strengthen muscles and improve cardiovascular fitness, building up overall fitness and strength for the core and joints. Our Aqua based classes include Aqua Fit, Aqua Aerobics (and Deep Water Aerobics) and Hydrospin – cycling in the pool!

What do I need?

A bottle of water, swimwear, a towel, £1 for a locker and any toiletries.

Is it for me?

If you're looking to improve your strength but struggle with stiff or sore joints, this class is for you, as the buoyancy of the water helps to soften the impact of exercise on the joints. Its natural resistance helps to gently improve stamina and flexibility, helping you to feel energised and refreshed between classes. This is also a great class for anyone recovering from injuries, as it allows you to strengthen muscles, without putting too much stress on weaker points.

Find and book this class

You can check our live timetables by clicking ‘Book Now’ below and logging in to your Active Nottingham account. Alternatively, you can download our Active Nottingham App where you can view, book and cancel activities. You don’t need to be a member to view our activities on the app.

Our fitness classes are included in the Fitness+ membership.

Aerobics class